A tool to explore fractals generated by complex numbers, coded in C++ and shaders in GLSL. Made for fun, hope you enjoy :)

Move the camera by holding & moving your mouse, and scroll to zoom in and out.
You can also take pictures of the fractals by pressing the camera button!

Fractals that use an escape radius for rendering, have a radius of 16 when rendering with colorbanding off, and 2 with color banding on.


  • Increase max iterations: keypad add, L
  • Decrease max iterations: keypad subtract, K
  • Move camera: arrow keys (LEFT SHIFT to go faster), pan & hold mouse
  • Zoom in: scroll up, I, pinch outwards
  • Zoom out: scroll down, O, pinch inwards
  • Increase n/exponent: G
  • Decrease n/exponent: F
  • Floor n/exponent: H
  • Toggle colorbanding: E
  • Screenshot: J
  • Next fractal: T
  • Switch to fractal: 1-9
  • Reset: R

Explore fractals generated by complex numbers!

  • Mandelbrot set (+ multibrot sets)
  • Julia sets
  • Tricorn (+ multicorns)
  • Burning ship
  • Generalized newton fractals
    • 3rd-degree polynomial
    • 4th-degree polynomial
    • 5th-degree polynomial
    • sin(z)
    • NOTE: Black means no root found
  • P(z) + c (with polynomials of the 2nd-, and 3rd-degree)
    • 2nd-degree polynomial
    • 3rd-degree polynomial

The desktop version is recommended, as it has better performance, and less restrictions.

Enjoy! :)

Published 13 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Linux, HTML5
Made withraylib
Tags2D, Abstract, Colorful, Exploration, fractals, Generator, Math, Open Source
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
LinksYouTube, Source code


Complex Fractal Explorer v1.0.0 for Windows 1 MB
Complex Fractal Explorer v1.0.0 for Linux 2 MB

Install instructions

  1. Extract the downloaded file
  2. Run 
    1. Windows: ComplexFractalExplorer.exe
    2. Linux: ComplexFractalExplorer

The assets folder must be in the same directory/folder as the executable

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